Events The Shaped The Kirkpatrick Family: 1300-1499.


February 24, 1303---Battle of Roslin. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 386.]

³In February 1302-03, the Scots under Comyn and Sir Simon Fraser inflicted a severe defeat at Rosslyn on Sit John Segrave and Ralph de Manton the Kings cofferer, who was killed.² [The Edwards in Scotland, AD 1296-1377, by Joseph Bain, F.S.A. Scot, David Douglas, 10 Castle Street, Edinburgh.]

August 23, 1305---William Wallace Executed. After Falkirk Sir William Wallace ³continued to take an active part, till he was betrayed into the hands of the English, and taken to London, where he was executed with the then accustomed barbarities, 23rd August, 1305.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p.5]

Sometime after Bruce and Comyn were named joint Guardians of Scotland, Robert the Bruce ³had a conference with the Red Comyn, at which, after representing the miserable effects of civil discord, he proposed that they should henceforth act as friends. Support, he said, my title to the crown, and I will give you all my lands; or give me all your lands and I will support your claim. Comyn, knowing the weakness of his own claim, accepted the former alternative, and in an agreement was drawn up accordingly, sealed and confirmed by mutual oaths of fidelity and secresy.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p.5]

³Comyn, however, perhaps frightened at the step he had taken, revealed the matter to Edward, who having unguardedly expressed himself determined on revenge, the Earl of Gloucester, Bruce¹s cousin, who fell eight years later at the battle of Bannockburn the last male heir of his family, anxious to save Bruce, but afraid to compromise himself, sent a piece of money and a pair of golder spurs. Bruce, understanding the hint, instantly started for Scotland, reaching Lochmaben Castle the fifth day. Here he met his brother Edward Bruce and his kinsman, SIR ROGER KIRKPATRICK, whom Buchanan calls Œvetus amicus¹ of King Robert Bruce, and whom Abercromby calls the constant friend of Sir William Wallace. They were joined by Sir James Lindsay, Robert Flemming, ancestor to the Earls of Wigton, and Sir Thomas Charteris, sommonly called Thomas of Longueville. Accompanied by these barons, he immediately repaired to Dumfries, where Comyn then was, and sought a private interview. Comyn, perhaps suspecting that his treachery had been discovered, appointed the Grey Friars Church in the Convent of the Minorities.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p.6]

February 10, 1306---Sir Roger Kirkpatrick Kills Red Comyn at Grey Friars Church. ³The next Kirkpatrick [following Stephen], Sir Roger, was a contemporary of Robert Bruce, King of Scotland from 1306 to 1329. The reign of John Beliol had been brief and troublesome; he was forced to abdicate leaving as chief contenders for the throne Robert Bruce and the perfidious Red Comyn. During a heated quarrel between the two held in Grey Friars Church in 1306 Bruce stabbed Comyn. Running from the church he met his two friends, Sir Roger Kirkpatrick and Sir James Lindsay, who asked ³What tidings?² Bruce answered, ³Ill, I doubt I have slain Comyn,² whereupon Kirkpatrick cried, ³You doubt, I mak sickar (I¹ll make certain)². He ran into the church, killed Comyn with his daggar and also Comyn¹s uncle, Sir Robert Comyn, who had come to his nephew¹s rescue. For this act of sacrilege in a sacred church, Pope Clement V excommunicated both Bruce and Kirkpatrick.² J (FP)

18 June 1306---Battle of Methven. [Scots Kith & Kin.]

March 27, 1306---(Robert Bruce Crowned King) ³Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scotland at Scone. At his corronation he commanded Sir Roger to adopt as his crest a hand grasping a bloody dagger with the words ŒImak Sickar¹, to commemorate ³his swift vengeance on one who had been a traitor to his country.² Before this event, the Kirkpatrick crest had been a swan and it was a family tradition that whenever a swan appearedto a Lord of Closeburn, it was an omen of death.² [SOURCE: Family Papers]

³Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scots at Scone on 27th March 1306. Thereafter he and his followers became fugitaves, but in Feb. 1307, with about 180 trusty knights and followers King Robert Bruce landed in Carrick.² [SOURCE: McDowell¹s History of Dumfries, p. 104]

September 1306---²Early in September Kildrummy fell to Valence and the prince of Wales, the garrisons being forced to yield when a traitor in their midst set fire to the store of corn in the great hall. On the approach of the English army, the royal ladies had been sent hurridly northward, in charge of the earl of Atholl. Probably it was intended that they reach Orkney, for Bruce¹s sister Isabel, dowager queen of Norway, was King Hakon V¹s sister-in-law, and Scoto-Norwegian relations seem to have been friendly throughout the seventeen years between the Franco-Scoto-Norwegian treaties of Paris (1295) and King Robert¹s first major piece of diplomacy, the Scoto-Norwegian treaty of Inverness (1312). But the party had only reached the sanctuary of Saint Duthac at Tain when they were seized by Earl William of Ross (a Balliol adherent) and sent to Edward 1 under escort.² [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 161.]

February, 1307---Bruce returns to Carrick. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

³Robert Bruce was crowned King of Scots at Scone on 27st March 1306. Thereafter he and his folowers became fugitives, but in Feb. 1307, with about 180 trusty knights and followers King Robert Bruce landed in Carrick.² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn.]

³McDowell, of all historians is alone in giving the names of the barons then with him [Bruce], and Lord Hailes quotes Landtoft for account of the fight. McDowell, the Galloway Chief hostile to Bruce, routed the party which included Edward (Bruce¹s Brother), Lennox, Lindsay, Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, and ³the good² Sir James Douglas and a few others.

Bruce and Kirkpatrick must have escaped, but Hailes relates that Bruce¹s two brothers and Sir Reginald Crawford (a relation to Kirkpatrick [and also William Wallace]) fell wounded. They were carried to Carlisle to be brutally murdered; but, before they died, torture may have caused them to disclose the names of their leaders.¹ [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn with reference to McDowell¹s History of Dumfries, p. 104]

July 7, 1307---Death of Edward 1. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

August, 1312---²Bruce raids northern England.² [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

January 7 - 8, 1313---Bruce takes Perth. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

February 7, 1313---Bruce takes Dumfries. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

May 18 - June 12, 1313---Bruce takes Isle of Man. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 388.]

June 23, 1313---Edward Bruce gives one year of respite to Stirling Castle. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 389.]

February 19 - 20, 1314---Douglas takes Roxburgh Castle. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 389.]

June 24, 1314---Battle of Banockburn. ³In 1314 Sir Roger led five thousand horsemen at the Battle of Bannockburn, in which the King of England, Edward II, was soundly defeated and as a consequence of which Robert Bruce was more firmly established on the Scottish thrown. After the battle, Kirkpatrick was sent on an embassy to the court of Edward.² [Family Papers]

³After the Battle of Bannockburn, Sir Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn was sent by the King as one of 4 Commissioners to treat for peace with Edward II, in person at Berwick.² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, with source listed as McDowell¹s History of Dumfries.]

After the Battle of Banockburn---²After the battle of Bannockburn, Sir Roger Kirkpatrick was sent with Sir Neil Campbell, ancestor of the Duke of Argyll and others, Commissioners to treat with King Edward II in person, then at Durham. (Rymer, tom 3, p. 495.) 1315---Invasion of Ireland by Edward Bruce, who proclaimed himself as ³King of Ireland.² [Source: The Oxford History of Ireland., p. 307] 1318---Battle of Faughart; Edward Bruce defeated and killed. [Source: The Oxford History of Scotland, p. 307] December, 1319---²Sir Roger Kirkpatrick is named third among five knightly envoys at the truce negotiations of December 1319; cal. Pat. R., 1317-21, 414. [Source: Robert Bruce & The Community of The Realm of Scotland, by G.W.S. Barrow, p. 379, c.155.] April 6, 1320---Declaration of Arbroath (letter of Community of the Realm of Scotland to Pope John XXII). ³Noticeable also, and more surprising, is the shortage of names from the south west generally---no Boyds, Kennedys, Crawfords, McCullochs or Kirkpatricks to keep company with Fergus of Ardrossan and John Duraunt. This geographical imbalance bears out the notion that preparing and sealing the letter were matters of urgency, those keeping guard on the south-east marcges or otherwise within comfortable reach of Newbattle being disproportionately represented. Household office and enjoyment of the king¹s highest confidence did not necessarily mean inclusion. Andrew Murray of Botyhwell, for example, the hereditary panetar, was expected to be present. His name was duly entered on the draft.² 1322---Sir Roger Kirkpatrick Disappears; Presumed Dead. ²During the latter part of his reign, Bruce suffered from leprosy. As his health declined, the relatives of the dead Comyn grew more powerful and it was necessary for Sir Roger to ask Edward in December of 1322 for a safe conduct and protection Œwithin the realm of England for himself and his wife.¹ Several weeks later Edward issued an order from Yorkshire for Œinstant enquiry to be made by the good men of Cumberland and Westmorland as to the abduction of Sir Roger de Kirkpatrick, Knight of Scotland¹ who had fled to England to save his life from Œevil doers¹. Another order to the same effect was issued seven months later but as nothing more is known of his fate it is probable that he was killed and the vendetta of the Comyns completed.² (FP) January 20, 1327---Deposition of Edward 11. [Source Robert Bruce & The Community and The Realm of Scotland, p. 389.] 1328---²Several interruptions of the peace, however, took place till 1328, when a permanent treaty was concluded, the principal articles of which were the recognition of Bruce¹s title, and of the sovereignty of the kingdom, cemented by the marriage of his son and heir David to Johanna sister of the King of England. In this negotiation SIR ROGER KIRKPATRICK²S SON was also employed, with Sir Roger de Soulis and Sir Robert de Keith.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn., p. 9] 1329---Robert Bruce Dies. ³Before Robert Bruce died in 1329 he exaced a promise from James Douglas that he would bury his heart in the Holy Land as a sign of his deep repentance for the murder of Comyn. In carrying out this promise Douglas was killed in Spain by the Moors and Bruce¹s heart as brought back to Scotland by Sir Lochart of Lee and buried under the high alter of Melrose Abbey. The body of Robert Bruce was interred in Dumferline Church which in time became a ruin and the site of the tomb was lost. On Bruce¹s death his young son, who later became David 11 of Scotland, was sent to France for safety. Through English influence Edward Baliol, another uncle of Red Comyn, was made king. ² (FP) December, 1332---"Humphrey Kirkpatrick [probably the second Kirkpatrick Lord of Torthorwald], prominent in financial administration at the end of Robert 1¹s reign, had an English safe-conduct in December 1332...² (Cal. Docs. Scot., iii, no. 1067) [Source: Robert Bruce & The Community of The Realm of Scotland, by G.W.S. Barrow, p. 379 n. 155] December 25, 1332---Battle of Annan. [Source: Scots Kith & Kin.] 1334---Humphrey Kirkpatrick [probably the second Kirkpatrick Lord of Torthorwald], ³escorted the young king and queen of Scots safely to France in 1334: Exch. Rolls, i, refs. in index; Chronique de Richard Lescot, religieux de Saint-Denys, 1328-44, ed. J. Lemoine (Paris, 1896), 35.² [Source: Robert Bruce & The Community of The Realm of Scotland, by G.W.S. Barrow, p. 379 n. 155] 1339---King Edward Baliol was compelled to take refuge at the English court and David (David II), son of Robert Bruce was proclaimed King. (FP) 1346---King David II, declared war against Edward III, but at the Battle of Neville Cross he was taken prisoner and his army routed. (FP) 1347---Winfred Kirkpatrick: Hostage. Winfred Kirkpatrick, Lord of Closeburn at the time, was one of seventeen hostages from the noblest Scottish families sent to England as a guarantee for the ransom of one hundred thousand marks for King David. (FP)

January 13, 1354---²In the Agreement made at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 13th January, 1354 , concerning the liberation of King David Brus, among the hostages to be given for payment of the ransom (which hostages were twenty youths of the first quality) was the son and heir of Roger de Kirkpatrick. And accordingly Umfred son and heir of the said Roger, together with John, son and heir of the Lord High Steward of Scotland, was delivered up to Lord Percy in the year 1357.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p. 12]

1355---²Sir Winfred¹s successor, Sir Roger Kirkpatrick, aided David 11 by storming and taking from the English in 1355 the castles of Durrisdeer, Dalswinton and Caerlaverock, the later which he partially destroyed, thus preserving the territory of Nithdale for the Scotish rule. Concerning Sir Roger and this incident, Wyntown, in his ŒChronicles¹ written about 1410 and relating the history of Scotland down to James 1) says:

³Hoge (a title) of Kurk-Patryke Nyddysdale
Held at ye Scottis Fay (Scotch rule) all hale,
Fra ye Castelle of Dalswyntoun
Was takyn, and syre dwyn down,
Syne Karlaverok tane had he.
He was a man of great bounte,
Honarabil, wys, and nycht worthy.
He couth rycht mekil of company.²

[NOTE: This incident is also mentioned on page 374 of Castles and Keeps of Scotland]

³Roger, brother of this Sir Thomas, inherited all the loyalty and valour of his ancestors. While David II, son of Robert Bruce was in captivity, and King Edward with his troops had been driven back by famine into England, he besieged and took the castles of Caerlaveroc, Durrisdeer and Dalswinton (1355), bringing all Nithsdale under the command of its lawful sovereign. (Buchanan¹s History.) [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn., p. 12]

1356---(Roger Kirkpatrick Murdered---NOTE: Two different versions of this story) ³In 1356 Sir Roger was murdered while sleeping in Caerlaverock Castle by Sir James Lindsay, a descendant of the Lindsay who was with the earlier Roger Kirkpatrick at the killing of Red Comyn. Jealousy could well have been the motive since Sir Roger had married the woman whom Lindsay loved. Lindsay was promptly executed by the order of King David.² (FP)

1357--- Roger Kirkpatrick Murdered. According to Castles and Keeps of Scotland, Roger Kirkpatrick ³was atrociously murdered in his own castle² in 1357 [not in 1356, as Kirkpatrick family papers say] (p. 374).

1357---²The castle [ed: Caerlavaerlock?] was given back to the Maxwells [ed: by the Kirkpatricks?], who have been its owners through all recorded history.² (p. 374 Castles and Keeps of Scotland]

1394---²Humphrey Colquhoun [NOTE: the great-great grandson of Humphrey Kirkpatrick (brother of Ivone and second son of William Kirkpatrick)], married the heiress of Luss in 1394. The Colquhouns of Luss still claim to belong to the family of Kirkpatrick.² [Source: Kirkpatrick of Closeburn. p. 4]

1430---²About 1430 the Lord of Closeburn, another Sir Roger Kirkpatrick, married The Hon. Margaret Somerville, daughter of Alexander, Lord Darnly, who was a direct descentant of King Alfred the Great. Lord Darnly was also an ancestor of James VI of Scotland and 1 of England. Sir Roger and Lady Margret had two sons: Thomas the elder, became the next Lord of Closeburn, and died in 1502, and Alexander, the younger son was an ancestor of the father of Empress Eugenie of France, (her mother was Spanish).² (FP)

1455---²Sir Roger was made Commissioner of the West Borders by King James, 1455.² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p. 29]

1465---²In 1465, Cardinal Antonius confirmed a Charter granted by the monastery of Melrose to Jon Kirkpatrick of Alisland, of the lands of Dalgonie, including Killilago and Dempsterton.² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn., p. 29]

April 2, 1481---Sir Thomas made Keeper of Lochmaben Castle. ³Sir Thomas succeeded his father, and by the Parlaiment which sat at Edinburgh, 2nd April, 1481, was made Keeper of Lochmaben Castle. This castle was formerly a noble building, situated upon a peninsula projecting into one of the four lakes, which are in the neighborhood of the royal Burgh, and was the residence of Robert Bruce while Lord of Annandale. Accordingly, it was always held to be a royal fortress, the keeping of which, according to the custom of the times, was granted to some powerful Lord, with an allotment of lands and fishings for the defence and maintenance of the place.² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p. 30.]

July 22, 1484---The Battle at Lochmaben. [Scots Kith & Kin.]

January 29 through May 5, 1487---Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, Keeper of Lochmaben Castle, ³sat in that Parlaiment of King James the Third, which commenced 29th January, 1487, and continued till 5th May, and in that beginning 1st October in the same year. (Carmichael Tracts.)² [Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, p. 30]

January 2 [or perhaps 22], 1499 [1500] ---²Assignation by Adam Kirkpatrick of Pennersax, appointing and solemnly ordaining William Douglas, lord of the fee of Drumlanrig, his procurator and assignee to a letter of reversion upon the 40s. land of old extent of Dalgarno, lying in the town and territory of Dalgarno, on the east side of town, in the parish of Dalgarno, and sheriffdom of Drumfrece, and also to a revision of the two merc land of Dalgarno of old extent lying above the forenamed three merks between the water and ³le myre.² The reversions were made to the said Adam by John Kirkpatrick, second son of the late Thomas Kirkpatrick of Closbern and were given under the seal of arms of said John. With power to the said William Douglas to redeem the lands. Seal appended at Dunsckay, 2d January 1499 [1500]. Witnesses Patrick Kirkpatrick, the granters¹ brother german, Ja